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Clearmans Galley
The San Gabriel Valley Mustang Club was on the move again to another great lunch cruise to Clearman's Galley in Rosemead. We blasted out of legends on a very nice morning. Lead by our one and only Dennis "I know where I'm going" Barnes. The ones who didn't go really missed out on a very nice cruise. We took off for Rosemead and the Red Boat for some good food with some fun company.
As we arrived we were met by the L.A. Co. Fire Dept. doing some hose drills in the parking lot. They were really just watering the trees in that area. And in charge of them all was a Female Captain, Cool !! We showed up
early at the Boat which gave us some time to
take Pictures of our rides.
When the doors opened and we all piled in line to place our orders and grab a seat. The laughter was great to hear again at a club event and a story or two. I heard a story that a member forgot where he put his keys to his car almost making him late to cruise. A Fun time as always !!!
San Gabriel Valley Mustang Club
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